GET NAKED! The best wedding cake trend this season
Perfect, white and thick fondant has been the go-to wedding cake style for so many years. While it is a beautiful and classic look, have you ever considered a naked wedding cake? If your wedding theme is slightly edgy or rustic, consider pushing the boundaries a little with your dessert.
The cake is usually made of sponge or madeira layers (but doesn’t have to be) with a creamy frosting in between. Fruit and flowers can be used to decorate the sides and differet types of flavoured sauces can be dribbled over for an extra burst of flavour. Our favourite decoration is some scattered gold leaf over a semi naked cake; an elegant and picturesque style on your wedding day!
A semi-naked cake has some extra frosting or cream on the outside to give it a more refined look, but will still have some uncovered sections of the cake coming through. A completely naked cake on the other hand is only two things: cake and frosting (and delicious!). A more simple style that allows your guests to see exactly what they’re eating.

3 tier semi-naked cake

2 tier naked cake
These kinds of cakes are our favourite: they go light on the fondant which lets the flavours and soft textures really shine through.
Because they don’t have a heavy coating around the outside, naked cakes can dry out faster than traditional ones. Best to speak to your cake maker for a sample and ensure the cake is made as close to the wedding date as possible.

3 tier semi-naked cake
If you want your cake to be on display for hours to your guests, something with a bit more fondant is probably better suited to your theme. However, if you want something a bit different, something a bit quirky…GET NAKED!
Our favourite wedding cake partner, Ministry of Cakes, is an expert in the wedding business. Their amazing staff know how stressful it is planning a wedding, and take the time and effort to make it as easy as possible for their customers.
Contact them for a consultation, they cater to any budget and are fantastic for any themed wedding, large or small.

2 tier naked chocolate cake
Location: 571 Sydney Rd, Brunswick 3056
Call: (03) 83549811
Photo credit: all images from Ministry of Cakes
Belle et Blanc Bridal Boutique is a premier wedding dress shop located in Brunswick